
Mohomed Irshad
3 min readMay 14, 2022

MongoDB is a document database that was created to make developing and scaling applications easier. It’s a document-oriented NoSQL database for storing large amounts of data. MongoDB uses collections and documents instead of tables and rows, as in traditional relational databases. Documents are made up of key-value pairs, which are MongoDB’s fundamental data unit. Collections are the equivalent of relational database tables since they include collections of documents and functions.

Features of MongoDB

  • Each database is made up of collections, which are made up of documents. Each document is unique, with a distinct amount of fields. Each document’s size and content may differ from one another.
  • The document structure is more similar to how programmers build classes and objects in their different programming languages. Developers frequently claim that their classes have a clear structure with key-value pairs rather than rows and columns.
  • There is no need to establish a schema for the rows (or documents as MongoDB calls them). Fields can be built on the fly instead.
  • MongoDB’s data schema makes it easier to describe hierarchical connections, store arrays, and store other more complicated structures.
  • Scalability — MongoDB settings are incredibly scalable. Companies all across the world have created clusters, with some operating 100 plus nodes and millions of documents in the database.

Why use MongoDB?

  • Document-oriented — Because MongoDB is a NoSQL database, rather than storing data in a relational style, it saves it in documents. As a result, MongoDB is extremely adaptive to real-world situations and requirements.
  • MongoDB allows searching by field, range queries, and regular expression searches as well as ad hoc queries. Specific fields inside documents can be returned via queries.
  • Indexing — Indexes may be used to increase the speed of MongoDB searches. An index may be created for any field in a MongoDB document.
  • Replication — With replica sets, MongoDB can provide high availability. Two or more mongo DB instances make up a replica set. At any time, any member of the replica set can operate as the primary or secondary replica. The primary replica is the main server that communicates with the client and handles all read/write activities. Using built-in replication, the secondary replicas keep a copy of the primary’s data. When a primary replica fails, the replica set shifts to the secondary replica, which then becomes the primary server.
  • Load balancing — To grow horizontally, MongoDB employs the idea of sharding, which splits data across several MongoDB instances. MongoDB may be distributed across numerous servers, balancing traffic and/or replicating data to keep the system functioning in the event of hardware failure.

I used MongoDB for our campus group project and we created the cluster and connected to it. The data access speed was really fast and it was really convenient to work with it. Creating the models, and updating the records were really fast and easy to develop as well. our group members did not have any issues or came through in the time of development. For your concern, make sure you select the database and keep in mind which of the database will match your scenario.

Therefore MongoDB is a wise choice to use if it suits the relevant use case as it has many advantages.



Mohomed Irshad

Student at Sri lankan Institute Of Information Technology and working as a trainee at Inexis Consulting